Impact of research

In line with its vision, the National Defence University advances the overall security of the nation and the stability of society through its research and expertise in military sciences.
Highlights of the year 2022

Scientific articles, collections and other publications published by the National Defence University were downloaded a total of approximately 280,000 times in the Doria publication archive.
During the year, a total of 45 scientific publications JUFO classified by discipline-specific expert panels were published at the NDU. Nine of them were leading-level and two top-level publications.
The research network Sodan usvaa (the fog of war) reached a total number of 85 experts and invited members. The members of the network represent almost all the security authorities, security operators and universities in Finnish society. In 2022, the network had two theme seminar meetings in Santahamina and published a collection of texts entitled Sodan usvaa – sodankäynti muutoksessa, which was downloaded more than 2,900 times in the Doria publication archive.
In 2022, the National Defence University’s Russia Seminar gathered together more than 30 national and international experts to discuss Russia’s use of military force. The recording of the seminar got approximately 4,000 views on YouTube.
The annual military science conference, the theme of which was “Europe’s new security”, was implemented as a hybrid event enabling both physical attendance and remote participation. In the conference, modern research on warfare was discussed with a multidisciplinary approach and the streaming of the speeches given by experts and the panel discussions got more than 8,500 views on the NDU’s YouTube channel.