Supporting EU Crisis Management Capabilities with Courses

Defence Forces International Centre FINCENT
Publication date 4.7.2019 11.49

The Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT) works in close co-operation with the European Security and Defence Collegen (ESDC). FINCENT organises two courses supporting EU Crisis Management capabilitied every year.

People in the classroom following the training

FINCENT participates in ESDC activities regularly by being a member the Executive Academic Board and by supporting Security Sector Reform training in a working group. ESDC operates as a network, linking together civilian and military training centres, universities and other training actors in the security and defence sector. The goal is to coordinate and organise training to support European operations and structures.

Read more on the courses

The latest Security Sector Reform Course was held in June, in cooperation with FINCENT, the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance, International Security Sector Advisory Team (DCAF ISSAT) and ESDC. Read the SSR course column on the ESDC homepage.

The application period for the next European Union Integrated Crisis Management (EU ICM) ends on 5 July 2019. The Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT) and CMC Finland are organising the course together in Santahamina, Helsinki. The goal is to provide more extensive skills for people participating in EU Crisis Management Operations, so that they are even better prepared for operations. The students get more information on, for example, the EU’s common goals and policies. The course also enables pratical cooperation training between the different actors in crisis management operations. For more on the course, click here.