KOMAR - Comprehensive National Defence as a part of National Resilience 2024-2028
Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine and the resulting security threats and challenges have highlighted the importance of comprehensive national defence as part of national resilience. Significant changes in Finland's security environment increase the need to review, develop, and research comprehensive national defence.
The primary goal of the Comprehensive National Defence as Part of National Resilience (KOMAR) research project is to advance research related to comprehensive national defence, renew its knowledge base, strengthen national and international research networks, and establish a permanent foundation for the field of total defence research.
KOMAR is a five-year research project (2024-2028) conducted at the Finnish National Defence University. The project examines comprehensive national defence through various phenomena and threats, with the most important being societal resilience and broad-based influence.
At the core of the research are defence capability and interagency cooperation from the perspective of comprehensive national defence. Key areas include military defence, interagency cooperation, situational awareness, and preparedness planning.
Comprehensive national defence and comprehensive security, as well as their research, are built through networks. In the KOMAR research project, the study of comprehensive national defence is connected to an international framework, where the most important actors are NATO and the European Union. Bilateral cooperation with Sweden is particularly important. Additionally, the project actively builds a research network with other Nordic and Baltic countries. In the face of global challenges, both domestic and international cooperation are key.
Adjunct Professor Teija Sederholm
[email protected]
Tel. +358 0299 530 629
PhD student Silvia Sommarberg
[email protected]
Tel. +358 0299 530 492
PhD student Maro Ketola
[email protected]
Tel. +358 0299 530 727
B.Soc.Sc. Anselm Ranta
[email protected]
B.Soc.Sc. Joel Klemola
[email protected]
Research funders
Louise ja Göran Ehrnrooth Foundation
Ella ja Georg Ehrnroothin Foundation
Turvallisuuden tukisäätiö
Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun tukisäätiö
Maanpuolustuksen kannatussäätiö