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Sustainable Development and Responsibility 

The activities of the National Defence University are based on the values of the Defence Forces which include patriotism, professionalism, justice, responsibility, reliability and cooperation.

Responsibility is the foundation of the National Defence University’s activities with sustainable development, equality and non-discrimination in its core. The National Defence University strives to promote these themes in all of its activities.  

The NDU participates in the WWF Green Campus Programme the objective of which is to continuously reduce the environmental load and consumption of natural resources caused by the University’s activities. You can read  more about the Green Campus goals and operating principles at the National Defence University here.

Defence Forces and the environment 

The environmental programme of the National Defence University is based on the Defence Forces Strategy the goal of which is to manage environmental issues even better and integrate the environmental perspective into all activities in the Defence Forces.  

The Defence Forces and the National Defence University strive to be environmentally responsible in all of their activities.  The Defence Forces has to carry out its statutory tasks, and this may  have environmental impacts which the FDF tries to reduce and control by means of environmental protection management.  Environmental protection measures are also geared toward supporting the Defence Forces’ statutory tasks:  Military defence of Finland, providing support to other authorities, providing international assistance and international military crisis management.  

Read more about the Finnish Defence Forces Strategy at