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Department of Leadership and Military Pedagogy

The Department of Leadership and Military Pedagogy is organised into four teaching groups: leadership, military pedagogy, physical education and research (research education).

Soldiers lined up and a trainer in an orange vest in front of them.

The following five disciplines are represented in the department:

  • leadership,
  • military pedagogy,
  • military sociology,
  • exercise physiology and
  • military law.

The department's military sciences studies are concentrated into the two major subjects: leadership (also a discipline) and military pedagogy (also a discipline). Military law studies have been integrated into the leadership studies. Exercise physiology studies have been integrated into the military pedagogy studies. Military sociology content is taught both within the majors of leadership and military pedagogy.

The most senior expertise in department's research and teaching are represented by the military professor of leadership and the associate military professor of military pedagogy and professor of military sociology. In the field of exercise physiology the department has a joint professorship with the University of Jyväskylä.

Tile in stone with the word "Honor"

The department interacts with society through its publications and lectures and presentations given outside of the National Defence University and by providing experts in its fields for the media.