Russia Seminar 2021 held as virtual event due to coronavirus

National Defence University
Publication date 13.1.2021 14.01
Type:Press release

Russia Seminar 2021 of the series of seminars that have already become a tradition will be held at the National Defence University on 26 January 2021 and 2 February 2021. Unlike previous seminars, this one will be held as a completely virtual event due to the prevailing coronavirus situation. The seminar discusses Russian military policy and the research development in that field.

The main platform connecting seminar participants is the Zoom video conferencing service permitting participants to ask questions and discuss with each other and the speakers by using Chat. You may also watch the seminar live or recorded on the National Defence University’s Youtube channel.

DMilSc. Special Researcher, Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Pentti Forsström, who is in charge of the preparations, is optimistic about the virtual seminar:  

- We have high expectations for the seminar.  A virtual seminar does not provide all of the same opportunities a regular one would, for instance spontaneous encounters during breaks, but with the Russia Group we are happy for still being able to organise a seminar - even if it is just an online one - that is included in the Group’s research plan and the National Defence University’s strategy.  

Forsström emphasises that a global situation such as this calls for compromises, and this is a time when priority must be placed on an equal opportunity for all to access the seminar safely regardless of where you live, for example. 

More information about the seminar is available at, where you can find a more detailed programme, information about the speakers and instructions for following the seminar.