Russia Seminar returns on 14-15 February 2024

National Defence University
Publication date 28.11.2023 13.14
Type:Press release

The Finnish National Defence University will organise the sixth annual Russia Seminar on 14-15 February 2024 in Helsinki (Santahamina), Finland. The aim of the international seminar is to increase discussion on the Russian war against Ukraine and produce new knowledge on Russia's military policy, military thinking and power.

The main theme of Russia Seminar 2024 will be Russia's War Against Ukraine - Complexity of Contemporary Clausewitzian War. The seminar will focus on the complexity in relations between the three concepts: state, armed forces and war. The presentations will touch on Russian interests and politics, military thinking and power, resources for warfare, civil - military relations and art of war among other subjects.

The seminar will be organized online for the audience. You will find more information soon on the seminar website.

Please save the date for the excellent presentations and discussions covering a wide range of topics concerning the Russian understanding of war. If there is a need for further information, please do not hesitate to contact research assistant Oona-Maaria Hyppölä ([email protected]).

The event is supported by the Mannerheim Foundation.