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Programme for the Doctoral Degree Celebrations and Events

Thursday 06 September 2018

  • Sword Ceremony, Santahamina, National Defence University, at 17.00-20.30.

Friday 07 September 2018

  • Conferment Ceremony Rehearsal, Säätytalo, "House of the Estates", at 08.30-10.30
  • Conferment Ceremony, Säätytalo, "House of the Estates", at 11.00-14.00
  • Doctoral Procession, Säätytalo - Helsinki Cathedral, at 14.00-14.30
  • Celebration Mass, Helsinki Cathedral, at 14.30-15.20
  • The Laying of Wreaths on Soldiers' Graves, Hietaniemi Cemetery, at 16.00-16.20
  • Formal Dinner, Santahamina, National Defence University, at 19.30-02.00

Saturday 08 December 2018

  • Graduation cruise, Suomenlinna, Helsinki seaside, at 11.00-14.15

Doctoral Degree Ceremony Events

Permission to Organise the Doctoral Degree Ceremony
The Rector of the National Defence University authorises the Doctoral Degree Ceremony on the proposal of the National Defence University’s Research Council.

Sword Ceremony
The Doctoral Degree Ceremony events start with a sword ceremony on the eve of the actual conferment, where the promovendi, with the help of their partner, will sharpen their sword using a whetstone. One of the traditions of the sword ceremony is that those receiving their PhDs will give a speech to their swords.

Conferment Ceremony
The actual Doctoral Degree Ceremony takes place in the festive Conferment Ceremony where the conferrer of degrees will grant the academic degrees to the doctors and they will receive their hat, sword and diploma. Additionally, the Conferment Ceremony will include the event where the primus doctor answers the primus question set by the professors of the National Defence University. In addition to the actual conferment, the ceremony includes speeches and musical performances.

Doctoral Procession
The doctors will go to the Lutheran Cathedral in procession. Leading the procession are the Finnish flag and the flag of the National Defence University, carried by the marshals.

Celebration Mass
The Doctoral Procession will conclude with a Celebration Mass in the Helsinki Cathedral.

Laying of Wreaths on Soldiers' Graves
The newly conferred doctors will then proceed to Hietaniemi Cemetery where they will lay a wreath at the Cross of the Heroes and at the grave of Marshal Mannerheim. The conferred will form two wreath sections. The Honour Guard will be made up of NDU cadets.

Formal Dinner
The conferment day will culminate with a formal dinner and ball. The evening programme includes speeches, musical performances and dance.

Graduation Cruise
On the morning after the degree ceremony a graduation cruise is organised for the new doctors. It will take place at a location on the Helsinki seaside, where the participants will enjoy a brunch.
