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Wednesday 14 February 2024 (Live-streamed)

Day 1: Opening of seminar
09.00- Welcome and Admin remarks / Janne Pukkila (FNDU)
09.05-09.15 Opening words / Rector of FNDU, Major General Mika Kalliomaa
09.15-09.45 Civil-military relations and military effectiveness: lessons from the Russian invasion of Ukraine / Bettina Renz (FNDU, University of Nottingham, UK)
10.00-10.30 Russian strategic thinking and culture before and after February 24, 2022 / Dimitri Minic (IFRI, France)
10.30-11.00 Cultural characteristics of Russian military leadership: it's influence on military operations in Ukraine / Juan Carlos Antunez Moreno (NATO JFC Brunssum, Netherlands)
11.00-11.30 Panel
11.30-12.00 Break

12.00-18.00 Parallel sessions (see below)

SESSION 1: Russian military art 
12.00-12.30 Russian maritime theories on paper and in practice / Essi Tarvainen (FNDU)
12.30-13.00 Russian Way of Warfare in the Aerial Domain. / Viktoriya Fedorchak (Defence University, FHS, Sweden)
13.00-13.30 Panel

SESSION 2: Russia's narratives and motives
12.00-12.30 Understanding Russia’s war against Ukraine: political, eschatological and cataclysmic dimensions / Katri Pynnöniemi (FNDU and Helsinki University) and Kati Parppei (University of Eastern Finland)
12.30-13.00 Russia’s imperial policy: theory and reality / Nina Andriianova (Center for Military and Strategic Studies of the National Defence University, Ukraine)
13.00-13.30 Panel

13.30-14.30 Break

SESSION 3: Strategy and political objectives
14.30-15.00 von Clausewitz influence on the relation between the State an Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the War in Ukraine 2022-2023 / Peter A Mattsson & Jakob Shapiro (Defence University, FHS, Sweden)
15.00-15.30 The impact of the war in Ukraine on the Russian military precence in the Middle East and South Caucasus / Sergei Melkonian (APRI, Armenia and Yerevan State University, Armenia)
15.30-16.00 Panel

SESSION 4: Relations between State and War
14.30-15.00 Toward a Russia's strategy in a hybrid war against Ukraine: Synthesis of kinetic and non-kinetic actions to achieve a synergetic effect / Valerii Hordiichuk (Center for Military and Strategic Studies, National Defence University of Ukraine)
15.00-15.30 A study of the results of the military operation on the territory of Ukraine in relation to the changing political objectives of Russia / Emma Chimbanga, Zhukov Dmytro (Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification, Ukraine)
15.30-16.00 Panel

16.00-16.30 Break

SESSION 5: New technologies
16.30-17.00 New technologies of war transform, but do not lift, the fog on the battlefield / Dominika Kunertova & Stephen Herzog (ETH Zurich, Center for Security Studies, Switzerland)
17.00-17.30 Russia’s drone warfare in Ukraine / Leonid Nersisyan (APRI, Armenia and University of Birmingham, UK) and Samuel Bendett (Center for Naval Analyses, CNA, USA)    
17.30-18.00 Panel

SESSION 6: Adaptation
18.05-18.30 How will the Russian Military Adapt after the War in Ukraine? / Clint Reach (RAND, USA)

Thursday 15 February 2024 (Live-streamed)

Day 2: Opening session
08.30-09.00 Winning the Adaptation Battle? Ukrainian Military Adaptation During the Russo-Ukrainian War / Marc R. DeVore & Kristen Harkness (University of St. Andreews, UK) and Andriy Zagorodnyuk (Centre for Defense Strategies, Ukraine)
09.00-09.30 Panel
09.30-10.00 Break

10.00-13.00 Parallel sessions (see below) 

SESSION 7: Lesson learned
10.00-10.30 Learning Lessons? Institutional Structures and Processes within the Russian Military / Tracey German (King’s College London, UK)
10.30-11.00 The war in Ukraine as another inflection point of forthcoming Russia’s military reform / Dumitru Minzarari (Baltic Defence College, Estonia)
11.00-11.30 Panel

SESSION 8: Civil-military relations
10.00-10.30 Concepts of Civil-Military Relations in Russian Understanding / Elisa Movtayeva (FNDU) and Jonna Alava (FNDU and Helsinki University)
10.30-11.00 Patriotic and nationalist orientations in Russian Society / Ieva Berzina (National Defence Academy, Latvia)
11.00-11.30 Panel 

SESSION 9: Lesson learned
11.30-12.00 Wicked Problems: Policy Studies Perspective on Russia's Military Performance / Kirill Shamiev (European Council on Foreign Relations)
12.00-12.30 The Complexity of Modern Warfare: Russian Considerations in Terms of Re-Shaping Strategic, Operational and Tactical Thinking during the Ukraine War (2022-?) / Rod Thornton and Marina Miron (King’s College London, UK)
12.30-13.00 Panel

SESSION 10: Civil-military relations
11.30-12.00 Features of Russia's development of civil-military relations in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. / Olha Meloshyna (Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine)
12.00-12.30 Theoretical and political relations between “state and armed forces” — Russian wives of mobilized recruits / Oleksandr Ponypaliak (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine)
12.30-13.00 Panel

13.00-14.00 Break

SESSION 11: Economy and Future
14.00-14.30 Everything for the front? Russia's reluctant economic mobilisation after February 2022 / Emil Wannheden (Defence Research Agency (FOI), Sweden)
14.30-15.00 Russia's assessment of geopolitical threats and dangers in 2030 and 2045 — Future drivers for change / Sari Voinoff (Defence Research Agency (FDRA), Finland)
15.00-15.30 Panel

Closing of seminar
15.30-15.45 Closing remarks / Chief of the Department of Warfare, Col Pasi Hirvonen FNDU

End of the Russia Seminar 2024
