Call for Abstracts: Seminar of Military Sciences 2024

National Defence University
Publication date 29.4.2024 15.41 | Published in English on 15.5.2024 at 9.46
Type:Press release

The National Defence University and the Finnish Society of Military Sciences will organize the Seminar of Military Sciences on 30.10.-31.10.2024 at the House of Science and Letters (Tieteiden talo) in the center of Helsinki. The theme of the seminar is Finnish Art of War in a Changing Security Environment.

The National Defence University and the Finnish Society of Military Sciences will organize the Seminar of Military Sciences on 30.10.-31.10.2024 at the House of Science and Letters (Tieteiden talo) in the center of Helsinki. The theme of the seminar is Finnish Art of War in a Changing Security Environment.

The theme for this year covers current military phenomena and themes from the perspectives of research, education, and the practical profession of an officer. Finland's national and international operating environment has been undergoing changes due to developments in recent years. Finland's and Sweden's NATO membership, rapid changes in the security environment, the growing application of advanced technology for military purposes, and societal development are examples of phenomena whose significance in the military framework will increase in the future.

The Seminar of Military Sciences will be held as a two-day event. The first day will feature panel discussions and presentations by invited speakers. The second day will consist of parallel working groups, during which several presentations on current military phenomena will be heard in four theme-based groups. Presentations for the working groups will be selected based on extended abstracts. The National Defence University will publish a collection of abstracts of the presentations electronically after the seminar.

We request extended abstracts (3500-7000 characters including spaces) divided by theme groups, the detailed descriptions of which can be found below. When submitting abstracts, please indicate which theme group or groups your presentation would particularly suit. The duration of presentations in the working groups will be 25 minutes + 5 minutes for audience questions and discussion. The composition and organization of the working groups may be changed if necessary. It is possible to participate in the event remotely on the first day, but speakers and presenters of working group presentations are encouraged to attend the event venue in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 9.6.2024, at

For more information

Milla Alaraatikka
p. 0299 530 728
milla.alaraatikka (at)

Hanna Lindevall
p. 0299 530 729
hanna.lindevall (at)

Parallel Working Groups

Armed Forces as Part of Society - Theme Group
The Armed Forces are a central societal actor. Assistance in emergencies and other forms of cooperation with various actors is one of the tasks of the armed forces, the importance of which has grown in recent years due to the deteriorating global security situation, such as the increasing prevalence of hybrid influence and cyber security threats. Individual citizens also have a significant impact on maintaining security, combating security threats, and promoting overall security. This theme group welcomes presentations from, for example, students and researchers interested in various societal sectors and military sociology. Presentations may examine, for instance, the interaction between the armed forces and society, societal resilience, citizens' defense willingness and relationship, or the effects of conscription, cooperation between authorities, and crisis management included in the national security strategy on society and individuals. Presentations can be in Finnish or English, and the abstract should be written in the presentation language.


Future Military Leadership and Education - Theme Group
Military education should not remain static but should increasingly evolve with the times. A rapidly changing security environment, digitalization, and methods made possible by new research are becoming more prevalent factors affecting the implementation of future military leadership and education. Additionally, military technology is constantly evolving, requiring conscripts and reservists to quickly adapt to the new opportunities brought by digitalization and technological advancement in training. This theme group invites researchers interested in military education and training, i.e., military pedagogy. Military pedagogy primarily examines the development of individual performance and thereby the capabilities of units through teaching, training, and education. The theme group invites presentations addressing questions regarding future military leadership and education, such as the skills of instructors and trainees, physical fitness, capabilities and competencies, or the development and application of learning platforms, training methods, and technology in education. Presentations can be in Finnish or English, and the abstract should be written in the presentation language.


Technological Disruption and the Digitized Battlefield - Theme Group
What will the battlefield of the future look like? The use of advanced technology in warfare has significantly increased in recent years, and practical examples of the effects of this development have been seen in the war in Ukraine. Technologies that have revolutionized warfare, such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, autonomous systems, hypersonic weapons, and cyber security, are being applied more diversely, and the digitization of equipment will only accelerate in the near future. This theme group invites both military and civilian researchers interested in the rapidly evolving technology's effects on warfare. The purpose of the theme group is to provide perspectives and stimulate discussion on the changes brought by technology to warfare, strategy, decision-making, leadership, training, or the functioning of advanced technology-integrating weapon systems. Both empirical and theoretical works addressing the new opportunities or threats arising from technological development on future digitized battlefields are welcomed. Presentations can be in Finnish or English, and the abstract should be written in the presentation language.


Finnish Art of War in an Allied Finland - Theme Group
NATO membership marked a new era in Finland's military operating environment. With this alliance, Finland became part of NATO's collective defense in the European and transatlantic security community. Despite the change, Finnish military art will maintain its position even in an allied Finland, as Finland will continue to be responsible for its defense with a conscription-based defense solution. Time will tell how the alliance affects the Finnish defense system and how Finland contributes its expertise to strengthen NATO. The research presented can, for example, examine joint training and management arrangements and their effects on military training, the increasing strategic importance of Finland's neighboring areas in terms of security, joint defense planning among allies, or the effects of membership on research and demand for technology and defense industries. This theme group invites both military and civilian researchers interested in the effects of NATO membership on Finland and the alliance now and in the future. Presentations can be in Finnish or English, and the abstract should be written in the presentation language.